NSCDC Boss Urges Personnel To Get Vaccinated, Debunks Conspiracy Theory on Omicron Variant

NSCDC Boss Dr. Audi

By Frank Oshanugor

The Commandant General of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corp (NSCDC) Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi has charged his officers and men to get vaccinated in view of the rising wave of Omicron virus across countries of the world.

He charged the personnel across all formations to comply with government’s directive by receiving the required vaccines in order to prevent contracting the dreaded virus.

He gave this charge during his address at the opening ceremony of a three-day “Train the Trainers workshop on Covid-19 Response” at the NSCDC National Headquarters, Abuja.

According to the CG, the Covid vaccine will help to checkmate the spread of the virus from person to person(s) before it grounds our socio-political and economic activities as witnessed in 2020.

“I have demonstrated good leadership to you by taking the first and second dose of the vaccine with my management team. Therefore, I urge you to refrain from unverified reports on the myth of the vaccines which has no medical or scientific proof. Having been administered the two jabs, I am alive, healthy and strong and when the booster dose is available, I will also take it. So, I encourage you all and every meaningful Nigerian to do same”. Audi said.

The NSCDC Covid-19 response team in the past two weeks have gone round the Six Geo-political zones to sensitize members of the public on the need to adhere to all preventive measures. It is therefore worthy of note that this sensitization workshop on Covid-19 is a pragmatic step which is very germane to the corporate existence of the service and it is imperative for Nigerians to be wary of the deadly new variant.”

Dr Ahmed Audi reiterated that, NSCDC will continue to synergize with the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), National Primary Health Care Development Agency, Community leaders, sister Agencies amongst others to rid the nation of the devastating effects of the virus especially at such a crucial time when the 4th wave called OMICRON VARIANT has emerged.

NSCDC Boss Dr. Audi

He further directed that Covid-19 kits be distributed by the crisis and disaster management directorate to all NSCDC formations across the federation.

In the same vein, the representative of the Director, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control at the event; Mr Michael Okali, lauded the NSCDC for its consistent and continuous partnership in carrying sensitization to the grassroot, most especially remote communities. He charged other agencies to emulate such good gesture which enhances health security.

The Commandant General further admonished all Officers and men of the Corps to shun any act capable of violating the rights of the citizens in the cause of discharging their duties. He enjoined personnel to maintain humility, honesty and integrity in service delivery. “Therefore, NSCDC officers must be accountable and civil in their disposition towards members of the public which we are commissiones by law to protect: remember, humility defeats arrogance” the CG said.

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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