Leave A Legacy For Remembrance, Clergy Tells Christians As Delta former Director Of Town Planning Is Buried

Late Sir George Mekwunye

By Frank Oshanugor

As all manner of evil now permeates the human race, an Anglican gospel preacher; Venerable C.N. Osemenam, has enjoined Christians to always follow the path of righteousness while alive so that when they are dead, they would be remembered for good.

Delivering his sermon at St. Paul Anglican Church, Ubulu-Okiti, in Aniocha South Local Government Area of Delta State on Friday at the funeral service of former State Director of Town Planning in Delta State; Sir George Mekwunye, the Anglican Church preacher pointed out that the short time he had known Sir Mekwunye while he was alive, gave him (Mekwunye) out as a man of integrity who was not only supportive to humanity and the church but had absolute fear of God in his dealings with fellow human beings.

According to the Venerable, “a man would always be remembered by what he did while alive” just as he rhetorically asked the congregation what they would like to be remembered for, after they have departed this world.

The man of God paid tribute to the late Mekwunye, describing him as a man who lived a life of honour with a bequeathal of a disciplined and united life style to his family as exemplified by the behavior of his children.

The funeral activities which began on Tuesday at St. Peter’s Church (BishopCourt) Asaba had attracted many friends, associates, well wishers, immediate and extended family members from Delta State and beyond.

The late Mekwunye who passed on, at the age of 75 years in November, 2021 was a graduate of Geography from the University of Ibadan. He held a Master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Ohio State University, United States of America.

Prior to his return to Nigeria on completion of his Master’s programme, he had worked with Madison-Madison International; a firm of Architects, Town Planners and Engineers in Cleveland, Ohio between 1978 and 1980.

On his return to Nigeria, he took appointment with the Bendel State Ministry of Lands and Surveys. With the creation of Delta State in 1991 he became the pioneer Assistant Director of Town Planning and in February 1997, he was promoted to the position of State Director of Town Planning. He held the position until he retired from service in 2008.

While alive, Sir George Mekwunye belonged to different professional associations among which were the American Institute of Planners, (AIP), American Association of Planners (APA), Nigeria Institute of Town Planners (NITP) and Town Planners Registration Council of Nigeria (TOPREC).

He was an Anglican Church Knight of Saint Christopher (KSC) and held various positions in the Asaba Diocese of Anglican Church.

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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