I Want My Son Alive, Says Father Of Young Man Who Died In Lagos Hotel Swimming Pool

Late Adekunle Ojo

By Frank Oshanugor

As police detectives from the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) of the Lagos State Police Command try to unravel the circumstances surrounding the death of 27-year-old Adekunle Ojo in a Lagos hotel swimming on Valentine’s day night, his father Mr. Ojo Oluwafemi said he needs his son back home alive.

Speaking exclusively to AtlanticNewsonline on Monday, Oluwafemi said he was yet to understand how his son reportedIy died at Osegold Hotel in Ipaja area of Lagos at an odd time of the night even as he asserted that none of his family members had seen the corpse since then.

Narrating the skechy details of the incident, he said it was about 10pm on 14th February (Valentine) that his son Adekunle told him he was going out and might not come back till the next day. The next morning while the young man was yet to return, he (the father) decided to drive his wife’s car to her shop.

According to him, he was there when someone came to look for him with a message that his son was said to have been involved in accident some where. That police would like to see him.

Initially, he was taken aback by this sudden news, but Oluwafemi did not hesitate before going to the Ipaja Divisional Police Station with his younger son and some other persons.

On getting to the police station, those on duty told him that his son was said to have jumped into Osegold Hotel Swimming pool at about 3am on Tuesday 15th February, 2022 where he died.

On enquiry about his son’s corpse, he was told it had been taken to Igando General Hospital mortuary but when his family members visited the mortuary, they were refused access to the corpse.

When his family members also visited the hotel, they were told by staff of the hotel that the swimming pool closed at 6pm and they were surprised to see Ojo’s corpse the next morning when the pool attendant wanted to dislodge the used water in the pool.

The distressed Oluwafemi said that contrary to the explanation by the hotel that the swimming pool closed at 6pm on Valentine’s day, evidence from the CCTV footage from the recording on activities in the pool area same night revealed that Ojo Oluwafemi went into the pool at about 3am and could be seen with no fewer 12 others in the pool.

The footage however did not show any other thing that took place after the young Ojo who trained as a vulcanizer after leaving secondary school had jumped into the pool and started swimming with others.

The CCTV footage was reportedly obtained from the hotel and the deceased’s family is seriously suspecting a foul play with some conspiracy between the hotel owners and the police to sweep the matter under the carpet given the ambiguity in the explanation of police at Ipaja Divisional Police who simply told the family that the matter would be resolved.

According to Oluwafemi, it took the intervention of some powers in Abuja before the matter could be taken over by the SCID Panti, Lagos, adding that owner of the Osegold Hotel, a man believed to be in his mid-30s only visited his family two days after the incident to commiserate with them without clarifying how exactly his son died.

He contended that if truly the swimming pool officially closed at 6pm on that fateful day, how come his son and others were swimming in the same pool by 3am the next day. To him, there is something ominous and the police must unravel the mystery as his son is believed to have been killed by unknown persons in the hotel pool.

All that Ojo Oluwafemi is asking for now, is that his son should not return home as a corpse but alive.

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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