Why They Are After Emefiele


Mr. Godwin Emefiele – CBN Governor

By Onwuasoanya FCC Jones

Until recently Emefiele was their stooge. He let them do whatever they wanted and this led to the unprecedented decline in the value of our Naira. He allowed the cabal members to access dollars at official rates and they either hoarded them or sold at outrageous rates in the black market.

He was helpless and played along, apparently, because he was keen on keeping his job or merely bidding his time. Just when it mattered most. He struck. Thankfully, he seems to have got the backing of the main man. So, he brought his skills to bear and is looking set to break their backs.

First, he made sure they brought out all the money they have been hoarding all these years, and those who don’t, are being left to watch those monies rotten before them. He is blocking them from having new windows to further hoard more money. And he is taking the bold step of reducing vote buying to the barest minimum.

Now, they have bared their fangs. They want Emefiele out of the way in anyway possible. If God does not protect Emefiele and he is not careful enough, they can even kill him. They can send their terrorist boys to eliminate him. God forbids, but he must be at alert, and we must keep praying for him. If such court processes can be initiated, ‘secretly’ against our country’s Number One banker, and a key economy driver of this administration, yet, it all appears, the Commander-in-Chief wasn’t taken into confidence, then, we have reasons to really be afraid. Not just for Emefiele, but for everyone of us. Nobody is safe.

You know what that means? If this Judge hadn’t been circumspect and turned down the application, we would have had our central bank governor put away in detention, for probably, two months, “on terrorism related charges”. By the way, 2023 elections is just two months away, and it won’t be out of place to suspect that they merely wanted to keep him away, then, have some of his economy saving policies reversed or tampered with, so they can have their way during the elections.

Another person that must be very careful is the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Professor Mahmoud. He doesn’t seem to be playing their games, and they can’t be happy with him. He is treading on a dangerous paths, but we shall have him in our prayers. The few times I pray, I remember people who are doing their little bits to make our nation work again, and I ask God to protect them, to strengthen their will, and to protect their families. It is dangerous in my country to be a patriot. Yes, the most dangerous thing to do in my country is to take steps to save her. Those who are paid by the people to safeguard our patriots would come after you.

They will set you up, they will bring up all manners of charges against you. To either break you down or to throw you out of the way, so the traitors can have their way.

Today, terrorists are harassing people everywhere in this country. Abuja used to be a safe haven sort of, but there have been incidents of kidnapping here and there in Abuja. People don’t feel safe anymore. Terrorists are operating with impunity. They are hitting police stations, killing our gallant officers and burning up strategic government facilities. Yet, we haven’t had most of them apprehended. UAE had arrested, tried and sentenced some individuals who sponsored terrorist activities in Nigeria, but here, we are seeking to arrest our Central Bank Chief for “sponsoring terrorism”, while it has been ages since we were told that top Nigerian politicians are behind sponsorship of terrorism here.

Who are they, where are they, how did they do it? We don’t know. But, they know Emefiele and they want him arrested and kept out of circulation, because he dared bring up policies that hit the terrorists hard. Without free movement of physical cash, it will be difficult to finance terrorists. So, the President should actually be more worried about those who sought this court order and find out what their real intentions are.

They are after Emefiele because he has repented. Because he seems to have broken loose from their shackles. Yes. He is now working for Nigeria and not a cabal. So they want him out. They want to show him that they are the real owners of this country. They want to cut him to size. It is in the President’s hand to ensure that they don’t succeed. If they succeed, then, the President sanctioned it. If they don’t, then the President is a good man, a patriot, who wants the best for his country, but who is also in a cage, and at the mercy of a cabal.

May those who plan evil for Nigeria, fail.
May true Nigerian patriots win.

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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