Space Agency Female Employee In Enugu Cries For Help Over Alleged Victimisation, Non-payment Of Salary, Denial Of Promotion

By Ukadike Nwosu

An employee with the National Space Research and Development Agency (NARSDA), Louisa Azolibe has cried out over what she tagged; ‘unpaid salaries, refusal to take promotion exams and denial of due promotions and other grievances against her boss at the Centre for Basic Space Science at Eburimiri in Nsukka, Enugu state.

In a strongly worded petition to the Director-General (DG) of NARSDA, outlining a series of issues including unpaid salaries, denied promotion, and unaddressed health challenges, the employee alleged that despite salaries being reflected in pay slips, the correct amount has not been paid into her bank account at FCMB, PLC.

She claimed to have received as little as N20, 000 or N10, 000 while her pay slip showed significantly higher amounts.
According to her, my requests for promotion and the opportunity to take promotion exams have been consistently denied by my boss, Dr. Okere, a superior at NARSDA. My script for

promotional exam in 2019 was forcefully collected thus preventing me from taking the test. My request for official transfer to a different location, Uburu, Abakiliki, Ebonyi State was rejected without formal communication. It is unbelievable that all these while I have not been allowed to be documented at Uburu, Abakiliki, Ebonyi state.

“All effort to be documented at the office failed and no letter of rejection was issued to me by the director, Engineer Akachukwu.

“He is responsible calm and seems approachable but seem to be dancing to the tune of Dr. Okere, my former director and boss. I was handed over an instruction advisory note after his

telephone call to the Personal Assistant or secretary who informed me that my reporting here is a problem and that I should better go back to Dr. Okere for amicable settlement. I was not issued a letter of rejection as administratively expected.

“Be it, as it may be, I hereby write for justice to be done on my predicament as even my supposed new boss at Uburu, Abakiliki Ebonyi State who does not know me and cannot be said to hate whom he has not worked with before but seems to be requested/directed not to accept me as I am not allowed to be documented and yet not issued a letter of rejection.

“He ought to have washed his godly hands thoroughly, in this script been played out, by giving me the expected rejection letter to avoid the mighty hands of God that protects the victimized. I hereby request him to accept me, obey the transfer authority or give me the rejection letter.

“I have been left in limbo, not officially accepted or rejected, making me a floating staff with concerns of a salary stoppage.
Surprisingly, I received a message via Face book indicating that my salary had been stopped. This message added to my mounting frustrations, as all efforts to seek clarification or resolution from the sender were met with silence.”

She lamented that the emotional toll these issues have taken on her has hypnotized, humiliated, and frustrated her leaving her feeling like a beggar.
“I am, therefore, appealing for urgent and judicious attention to my concerns, hoping for justice to be served in my current predicament.

When AtlanticNewsonline contacted office of the Director General of the Agency, an official who spoke on the basis of anonymity confirmed receipt of the petition from Mrs. Azoibe and said that Management was looking into the matter as there were many pertinent issues associated with it

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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