Rivalry Over Sex: Jealous Lover Kills Fellow Man, Girlfriend On The Run

By Winnie Kodilonye

Police detectives in Ogun State are now frantically hunting for a girl identified as Kafayat Sakariyau in whose apartment a jealous boyfriend reportedly killed another of her lover at the weekend for attempting to deny him (suspect) the opportunity of passing the night with Safayat.

AtlanticNewsonline gathered that mere suspicion by 25-year-old Bisi Omoniyi that 50-year-old man identified as Akinyemi Wahab Alani (a.k.a Ajiolopon) was having sexual relationship with his girlfriend Kafayat; has reportedly led Omoniyi to kill the suspected rival.

The suspect has however been arrested by operatives of Ogun State Police Command in connection with the crime.

According to Ogun State Police Spokesman, Abimbola Oyeyemi, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) “the suspect was arrested following a distress call received by the police in Owode Egbado Divisional Headquarters, that a young man has matcheted another man to death in Ajilete town.

“Upon the distress call, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) Owode Egbado, Olabisi Elebute, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) quickly mobilized the divisional patrol team to the scene where the suspect was promptly arrested, and the victim was rushed to hospital but was confirmed dead by the doctor on duty.

“Preliminary investigation revealed that the victim; Alani was with the woman friend ,Kafayat Sakariyau in her room apartment at Ajilete, purposely to pass the night with her when the suspect, who also intended to pass the night with the same Kafayat came knocking but was denied entry.

AtlanticNewsonline learnt that the suspect who came from Ibasa area of Okeodan was said to have forced his way into the woman’s room and met his rival there in a position he (the suspect) described as unacceptable to him.

Consequently, fight was said to have ensued between them and the suspect picked a cutlass in the room and matcheted the victim to death.

According to the spokesman, “corpse of the deceased has been deposited at the general hospital mortuary for autopsy, while the woman in the center of the crisis has since taken to flight.

“Meanwhile, Commissioner of Police Lanre Bankole, has ordered the immediate transfer of the suspect to homicide section of the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department for further investigation and diligent prosecution”.

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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