Real Estate Chieftain Charles Mba, Celebrates 50th Birthday In Grand Style

By Frank Oshanugor

No fewer than 70 pages of newspaper adverts bearing congratulatory messages have been paid for, by family members, friends,

businessman associates and other well wishers of Chief Charles Ndubuisi Mba who is the Chief Executive Officer of CDV Properties Limited as he marks his birthday today.

The birthday messages for a man who is generally regarded as an outstanding philanthropist come with different appealing words that clearly showed that he is loved by many people.

The congratulatory messaged her eulogise the real estate boss for the roles

he has been playing in the lives of individuals, society and humanity in general.

Dr. Mba, who hails from Enugu State is a graduate of Microbiology from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and has over the years made great mark in real estate business.

His social relationship cuts across old school mates, business associates, friends from different ethnic, religious and political

background. He has remained quite accessible irrespective of his wealth and this perhaps, confirms why many of his close associates describe him as a man with “good heart.”

The CDV Properties boss believes in hard work and he has been using the fortunes made from his business to improve the lots of his community and people he comes across in

several ways. This ostensibly accounts for the numerous congratulatory messages in the papers today on his behalf.

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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