Chikammadu Foundation Emerges In Enugu To Provide Healthcare, Lift People From Poverty In Nigeria

Ambassador Chikamadu Eze

By Efe Onodjae

The Chief Executive Officer of Enugu based Chikamadu Charity Foundation, Ambassador Chikamadu Eze has declared that his organization has come to play a vital role in promoting healthcare delivery services and lift people out of extreme poverty in Nigeria and other developing nations in Africa and the world at large.

Speaking at the weekend during their monthly meeting at the Foundation’s secretariat in Nsukka, Enugu state, Ambassador Eze emphasized the issues of healthcare delivery in Nigeria and Africa at large and maintained that good health care delivery services in Nigeria has deteriorated due to lack of patriotism and bad leadership in Nigeria.

However, he commended State and Federal governments for allowing charity organizations to play pivotal roles in reforming our society and pleaded with the leaders in Nigeria to invest more in healthcare delivery services so as to have a very healthy population and society.

Ambassador Chikamadu, a notable philanthropist, a well-rounded and transparent individual has vowed to do his best with his vibrant team to lift people from extreme poverty so long as the government will give them enabling environment to operate.

He urged members of the organization to brace up for the huge work ahead and also asked them to believe in the dictum of being their brother’s keeper.

“I must expatiate more on making life meaningful for the less privileged and healthcare delivery services in Nigeria and Africa at large. The deplorable and ramshackled situation of health centers in Nigeria is quite touching, it calls for urgent attention. The large migration of Nigerians into various countries abroad in search of better health care will soon be over as the organization is doing what it can, to address the issue of medical tourism.

According to him, “you should know that the effectiveness of any team depends on the maintenance of trust and loyalty meaning that they should believe more in team work so as to achieve a greater goal.”

He further stressed that they will not forget to do more in the areas of education, most importantly, promoting child education “which we know would help to reduce high rate of muggings, heists, cybercrimes and every kind of brigandage in the society.”

Ambassador Chikamadu further maintained that his organization will partner with international donors and agents to bring succor for the poor and the needy and praised members of the Foundation for their loyalty, honesty and patriotic spirit to help humanity.

He urged them to be up and doing in their services especially at this formative stage of the organization stating that it had been his dream to grow up to touch lives.

He commended Enugu State Governor for his forthright ways of handling insecurity in the state and urged him to continue with his good

services for ndi -Enugu and prayed God to strengthen him as he progresses in his marvelous works in the state.

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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