National Assembly Elections: Afikpo North Development Association Congratulates Iduma Igariwey Enwo

Rt. Hon. Iduma Igariwey Enwo

By Frank Oshanugor

As winners and losers in the February 25, 2023 National Assembly elections adjust to their respective positions, the
executive and entire members of Afikpo North Development Association (ANDA), Lagos, have warmly congratulated their son Rt. Hon. Iduma Igariwey Enwo on his resounding victory at the election.

Chief(Engr) Sixtus Nnachi, Chairman ANDA

In a congratulatory letter addressed to Rt. Hon Enwo and signed by ANDA Chairman; Chief (Engr) Sixtus Nnachi and Secretary; Mr. Friday E. Okpani (a copy of which was made available to AtlanticNewsonline) the Association said “your victory at the polls did not come as a surprise having paid your dues as a “talk and do” representative.

“It is our collective belief that your second tenure at the hallowed chamber shall usher in more development that will surpass all that you have done in your first tenure.”

Afikpo North Development Association (ANDA), Lagos is the umbrella body that brings together the four major Isiogos (Clans) that make up Afikpo North Local Government Area (Ehugbo, Amasiri, Akpoha and Unwana).

The Association’s missionary zeal is maintaining and fostering love, unity and progress among AFIKPO NORTH indigenes resident in Lagos State and its environs.

The pioneer Chairman of the Association; Engr. Sixtus Nnachi has also used the opportunity to thank Rt. Hon. Iduma Igariwey Enwo for honoring the association’s second-year anniversary that took place on 16th October 2022 at NTA Channel 10, Yaba, Lagos.

He has also expressed appreciation to the lawmaker for “his huge financial support” even as he pledged on behalf of the association to support Enwo’s visionary leadership in making his constituency (Afikpo North & Afikpo South) one of the best in the country with respect to infrastructural developments, human capital development and empowerment, quality representation, etc.

The statement added that “we are proud to be associated with you Sir, and will continue to pray to God to guide and protect you and your family as you continually strive to achieve more developmental strides to your constituency, Afikpo North/Afikpo South. Once again, we say Congratulations”

Written by: Frank Oshanugor

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